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Example 1: Subscribe file -> publish event


  • FTP Server

1.1 FTP Datasource

If not already done so, then create a FTP data source on your device. For that:

  • navigate to "devices"
  • select your device
  • press on "+ Data Source"
  • fill out the configuration to your FTP server

1.2 Edge Function

VL.subscribeFile = (dataString) => {
VL.publishMeasurements([{ name: 'Datatype_1', value: dataString[0] }]);

VL.reportDataPointMetadata = () => {
return [{ name: 'Datatype_1', variable_type: 'FLOAT', unit: '°C' }];

Example 2: Subscribe measurement -> publish measurement event

This example shows the conversion of Celsius to Fahrenheit

2.1 Datasource

If not already done so, then create a data source on your device. For that:

  • navigate to "devices"
  • select your device
  • press on "+ Data Source"
  • fill out the configuration for your data source

2.2 Edge Function

function celsiusToFahrenheit(celsius) {
return (celsius * 9) / 5 + 32;

const myFilterOptions = {
filter: { dataSource: { protocol: 's7' }, data: ['sensors_qaTemperature'] }

VL.subscribeMeasurements = (message) => {
let filteredMessage = VL.filter(message, myFilterOptions);
if (Object.values(filteredMessage).length === 0) {

let sensorTemperaturData =
(d) => === 'sensors_qaTemperature'

let tmpF = celsiusToFahrenheit(sensorTemperaturData?.value);

VL.publishMeasurements([{ name: 'temperatureInF', value: tmpF }]);

VL.reportDataPointMetadata = () => {
return [{ name: 'temperatureInF', variable_type: 'FLOAT', unit: '°F' }];

Example 3: Subscribe measurement -> publish measurement event

This example calculates the active power

3.1 Datasource

If not already done so, then create a data source on your device. For that:

  • navigate to "devices"
  • select your device
  • press on "+ Data Source"
  • fill out the configuration for your data source

3.2 Edge Function

function calculateActivePowerThreePhase(voltage, current, phaseAngle) {
const phaseAngleInRadians = phaseAngle * (Math.PI / 180);

const activePower =
Math.sqrt(3) * voltage * current * Math.cos(phaseAngleInRadians);

return activePower;

const myFilterOptions = {
filter: { dataSource: { protocol: 's7' }, data: ['VoltageL1N, CurrentL1'] }

VL.subscribeMeasurements = (message) => {
let filteredMessage = VL.filter(message, myFilterOptions);
if (Object.values(filteredMessage).length === 0) {

let sensorTemperaturData =
(d) => === 'sensors_qaTemperature'

let voltage = 230; // in Volts
let current = 10; // in Amperes
let phaseAngle = 30; // in Degrees

let activePower = calculateActivePowerThreePhase(
VL.publishMeasurements([{ name: 'activePower', value: tmpF }]);

VL.reportDataPointMetadata = () => {
return [{ name: 'activePower', variable_type: 'FLOAT', unit: '°F' }];