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Data Source Events


Data Source Events are events that are created on the data source level and are triggered when the specified bit in a data point is set to true. This can be used to trigger actions in the cloud or on the edge device. Usually these events correspond to bit messages in HMI or SCADA systems.

Creating and Editing Data Source Events

On the data source table you can open the Text Lists modal to create, edit or delete data source events.

Text List

Here the the event texts can be configured using the following fields:

  • Datapoint: Select the data point you want to reference for this event
  • Text: Specify a text that is attached to the event when it is triggered
  • Bit offset: The bit offset in the data point that triggers the event (0-31)
  • Coming event: The event is triggered when the bit is set from false to true
  • Going event: The event is triggered when the bit is set from true to false


Import using the configuration wizard

You can import the text lists in the Configuration Wizard using the following Excel template: Excel Template. Currently the import does not display the text list in the Wizard, but they are available in the Text List modal after the import.

Using Data Source Events

Please refer to the templating documentation on how to configure MQTT or REST payloads for transmitting the events.