Quick Start
VergeLink integrates natively with the Azure IoT Hub, to make your machine data available in the Azure environment.
Integration setup
On your Azure IoT Hub, in the "Overview" section you need to first copy the "Hostname" of your IoT Hub.
After that you need to scroll down on the left menu and select the "Shared access policy" section. Here you need to select the "registryReadWrite" policy and copy the "Primary key" from the left overlay
After you have collected both values, you can navigate to vergelink.io/cloud-integrations or click on the "Cloud Credentials" page directly. Here you can add your new credentials by clicking the "Add Credentials" button. In the dropdown select "Azure IoT Hub", add a description/name in the label field, then enter the previously copied "Primary key" in the "Shared access policy key" field. Finally enter the previously copied "Hostname" in the "Endpoint" field.
After that click "Save". Now you can use the "Verify" button to check that your credentials work correctly.
You are now ready to integrate your VergeLink Devices with Azure!
To integrate a device with Azure go to the "Devices" page, select a VergeLink Device and start the "Configuration Wizard". On the 3rd step of the Wizard you are now able to select "IoT Hub". When you click submit, the wizard automatically creates your Data Source, Cloud Connector and Azure MQTT Template in VergeLink and a new Device on your Azure IoT Hub.